José Ramón González-Drigo
Degree in Physics (1989) by the Universidad de Barcelona ( ), Barcelona, Spain. Ingeniero Industrial (1999) and Doctor Ingeniero Industrial (2001) by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia ( UPC-BarcelonaTech ), Barcelona, Spain.

Professor of Continuum Mechanics, Structural Analysis and Earthquake Engineering at the UPC (Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering).

Current research fields: Structures modelling, evaluation of seismic vulnerability and damage of structures, application of ground penetrating radar (GPR) as a non-destructive technique applied to structural assessment.

Collaboration in research projects and consultancy contracts: Anchor test and bend plate test of liner specimens of the Vandellos II (Spain) Nuclear Power Plant. Funded by ANAV, 2012-2013; Seismic information system in the Pyrenees SISPyr. Funded by the European Commission; Non-destructive prospecting and evaluation of masonry columns . Pharmacy pavilion of the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau of Barcelona . 2011; Seismological, geophysical and earthquake engineering contributions for seismic risk prediction and prevention SISGEOINRISK, Funded by the Ministry of Science and Tecnology, Spain, 2009-2011; Development of geomatic techniques for structural and dimensional analysis and preservation of historical bridges . BIA2006-10259. Funded by the Ministry of Science and Tecnology, Spain, 2006-2008; Desarrollo y aplicación de procedimientos avanzados para la obtención de escenarios de Riesgo sísmico .REN2001-2418-C04-01 RIES. Funded by the Ministry of Science and Tecnology; Spain, 2001-2004.

Publications: 2 books, 12 articles in journals indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge and author/co-author of more than 60 works on national and international books, journals and conference proceedings.

Member of the editorial board of the journal “Tecnica Industrial”. Madrid, Spain. Since 2010.