Nieves Lantada Zarzosa
Ingeniero Técnico en Topografía by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (1994); Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1996); Doctor by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Professor of Geomathics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Civil Engineering School of Barcelona, UPC, since 1998. Research interests: Geomathics techniques: GIS, GPS and topography; Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to natural Hazards (seismic and geological risks); Seismic risk evaluation in urban areas. Supervisor of 1 doctoral thesis and of 2 doctoral theses in process. Publications: 1 chapter of a research book and 2 in educational books; 8 articles published in journals included in the ISI Web of Knowledge; 6 peer reviewed articles in other journals; 48 papers in international and national conference proceedings; 9 research reports published in universities or research centres. Relevant projects: 3 European Projects: SISPYR, RISk-UE and SafeLand and 5 projects from the Spanish Ministry of Science (1 of them as main researcher). Member of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía, Spain, since 1994; member of the committee of the Asociación de Ingenieros en Geodesia y Cartografía (AIGC) since 1998; member of the Asociación Española de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (AESIG) since 2000.