Luis G. Pujades
Graduate in Physics (1975) and PhD in Physics (Geophysics) (1987) at the University of Barcelona. Professor of Enginnering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)-BarcelonaTech (since 1990). Researcher at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences Department of the Civil Engineering School of Barcelona at UPC. Spervisor of 20 doctoral theses. Current research fields: seismology, applied geophysics, engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. Publications: More than 20 books or book chapters, more than 40 articles in journals indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge and 50 peer reviewed articles in other national and international journals. Collaboration in research projects: more than 25 national and european funded projects, 13 of them as main researcher. Director of the PhD program in earthquake engineering and dynamics of structures at UPC.