June 2012 - December 2012
Funding enterprise/administration: National Coordination Center for Disaster Preparedness of Surinam and Inter-American Development Bank, IADB
Participating entities: CIMNE (Spain), INGENIAR Ltda. (Colombia); ITEC Ltda. (Colombia) and EAI S.A. (Panama)

Four composite indicators developed in past years reflect the principal elements that represent vulnerability and allow describing the advance of different countries in risk management. So far, these indicators have been applied mainly to the study of countries in the Latin-American and Caribbean region.

1. The Disaster Deficit Index, DDI, measures the country risk from a macro-economic and financial perspective when faced with possible catastrophic events. This requires an estimation of the critical impacts during a given exposure time and of the capacity of the country to face this situation financially.
DDI (Return period, Tr,  500 years)
Remark: Countries that have a "*" mark are based on values for 2010. These countries correspond to the last evaluation made using the more recent information available.

2. The Local Disaster Index, LDI, identifies the social and environmental risks that derive from recurrent, lower level, events which are often chronic at the local and sub-national levels. These events particularly affect the socially and economically fragile population and generate a highly damaging impact on the country?s development.
Total LDI (aggregated) for 2001-2005 and 2006-2008

3. The Prevalent Vulnerability Index, PVI, is composed of a series of indicators that characterize prevailing vulnerability conditions by measuring exposure in prone areas, socioeconomic fragility and lack of social resilience.

PVI for countries studied

4. The Risk Management Index, RMI, brings together a group of indicators related to the risk management performance of the country. These reflect the organization, development, capacity and institutional action of the country, meant to reduce vulnerability and losses, to prepare for crisis, and to efficiently recover.

RMI for each country

Remark: Countries that have a "*" mark are based on a more recent assessment made in 2010. This comparison is considered useful due to the difference could be not significant.

For more information you can consult the full reports at the IDEA website.